A C++ library for Lie theory
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Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
SE_K_3Base< _Derived > Class Template Reference

Base class for SE_k(3) Lie group types. More...

#include <se_k_3.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SE_K_3Base< _Derived >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

Map< SO3< Scalar > > so3 ()
 Access SO(3) part.
Map< const SO3< Scalar > > so3 () const
 Const access SO(3) part.
template<int Ksel>
requires (is_mutable && Ksel < K)
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > r3 ()
 Access R3 parts.
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > r3 (int k)
 Access R3 parts.
template<int Ksel>
requires (Ksel < K)
Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > r3 () const
 Const access R3 parts.
Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > r3 (int k) const
 Const access R3 parts.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
autocoeffs () const
 Access underlying storages.
const autocoeffs () const
 Const access underlying storages.
autodata () const
 Access raw pointer.
const autodata () const
 Const access raw pointer.
_Derivedoperator= (const LieGroupBase< OtherDerived > &o) noexcept
Eigen::Index dof () const noexcept
 Dynamic size (degrees of freedom).
void setIdentity () noexcept
 Set to group identity element.
void setRandom () noexcept
 Set to a random element.
Matrix matrix () const noexcept
 Return as matrix Lie group element in \( \mathbb{R}^{\mathtt{dim} \times \mathtt{dim}} \).
bool isApprox (const LieGroupBase< OtherDerived > &o, const Scalar &eps=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const noexcept
 Check if (approximately) equal to other element o.
CastT< NewScalarcast () const noexcept
 Cast to different scalar type.
PlainObject operator* (const LieGroupBase< OtherDerived > &o) const noexcept
 Group binary composition operation.
_Derivedoperator*= (const LieGroupBase< OtherDerived > &o) noexcept
 Inplace group binary composition operation.
PlainObject inverse () const noexcept
 Group inverse operation.
Tangent log () const noexcept
 Lie group logarithm.
TangentMap Ad () const noexcept
 Lie group adjoint.
PlainObject operator+ (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) const noexcept
_Derivedoperator+= (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Inplace right-plus: \( \mathbf{x} \leftarrow \mathbf{x} \circ \exp(\mathbf{a}) \).
Tangent operator- (const LieGroupBase< OtherDerived > &xo) const noexcept

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto K = Impl::K
 Number of R3 variables.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
static constexpr int RepSize
 Number of scalars in internal representation.
static constexpr int Dof
 Degrees of freedom of manifold (equal to tangent space dimension).
static constexpr int Dim
 Side of Lie group matrix representation.
static constexpr bool IsCommutative
 Commutativity of group. A commutative group has a zero Lie bracket.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
using Scalar = typename traits::Scalar
 Scalar type.
using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim >
 Lie group matrix type.
using Tangent = Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dof, 1 >
 Lie group parameterized tangent type.
using TangentMap = Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dof, Dof >
 Matrix representing map between tangent elements.
using Hessian = Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dof, Dof *Dof >
 Plain return type with different scalar.
using CastT = typename traits::template PlainObject< NewScalar >
 Plain return type with different scalar.
using PlainObject = CastT< Scalar >
 Plain return type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
static PlainObject Identity () noexcept
 Construct the identity element.
static PlainObject Random () noexcept
 Construct a random element.
static PlainObject exp (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Lie group exponential map.
static Matrix hat (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Lie algebra hat map.
static Tangent vee (const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixDerived > &A) noexcept
 Lie alebra vee map.
static TangentMap ad (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Lie algebra adjoint.
static Tangent lie_bracket (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived1 > &a, const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived2 > &b) noexcept
 Lie algebra bracket.
static TangentMap dr_exp (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Right jacobian of the exponential map.
static TangentMap dr_expinv (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Inverse of right jacobian of the exponential map.
static TangentMap dl_exp (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Left jacobian of the exponential map.
static TangentMap dl_expinv (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Inverse of left jacobian of the exponential map.
static Hessian d2r_exp (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Right Hessian of the exponential map.
static Hessian d2r_expinv (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Right Hessian of the log map.
static Hessian d2l_exp (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Left Hessian of the exponential map.
static Hessian d2l_expinv (const Eigen::MatrixBase< TangentDerived > &a) noexcept
 Left Hessian of the log map.
- Protected Types inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
using traits = liebase_info< _Derived >
 CRTP traits.
using Impl = typename traits::Impl
 Group-specific Lie group implementation.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from LieGroupBase< _Derived >
static constexpr bool is_mutable
 True if underlying storage supports modification.

Detailed Description

template<typename _Derived>
class SE_K_3Base< _Derived >

Base class for SE_k(3) Lie group types.

Internally represented as \(\mathbb{S}^3 \times (\mathbb{R}^3)^k\).

Memory layout


Lie group matrix form

\[ \mathbf{X} = \begin{bmatrix} R & P_1 & ... & P_k \\ 0 & 1 & ... & 0 \\ \vdots 0 & 0 & ... & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{3+k \times 3+k} \]

where \(R\) is a 3x3 rotation matrix and \( P_k = [x_k, y_k, z_k]^T \).

Lie algebra matrix form

\[ \mathbf{a}^\wedge = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -\omega_z & \omega_y & u_1 & ... & u_k \\ \omega_z & 0 & -\omega_x & v_1 & ... & v_k \\ -\omega_y & \omega_x & 0 & w_1 & ... & w_k \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\ \vdots 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{3+k \times 3+k} \]

Definition at line 65 of file se_k_3.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ r3() [1/4]

template<typename _Derived >
template<int Ksel>
requires (is_mutable && Ksel < K)
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::r3 ( )

Access R3 parts.

Template Parameters
Kselselect part

Definition at line 104 of file se_k_3.hpp.

◆ r3() [2/4]

template<typename _Derived >
template<int Ksel>
requires (Ksel < K)
Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::r3 ( ) const

Const access R3 parts.

Template Parameters
Kselselect part

Definition at line 128 of file se_k_3.hpp.

◆ r3() [3/4]

template<typename _Derived >
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::r3 ( int  k)

Access R3 parts.

kselect part

Definition at line 115 of file se_k_3.hpp.

◆ r3() [4/4]

template<typename _Derived >
Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Vector3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::r3 ( int  k) const

Const access R3 parts.

kselect part

Definition at line 139 of file se_k_3.hpp.

◆ so3() [1/2]

template<typename _Derived >
Map< SO3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::so3 ( )

Access SO(3) part.

Definition at line 84 of file se_k_3.hpp.

◆ so3() [2/2]

template<typename _Derived >
Map< const SO3< Scalar > > SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::so3 ( ) const

Const access SO(3) part.

Definition at line 93 of file se_k_3.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ K

template<typename _Derived >
constexpr auto SE_K_3Base< _Derived >::K = Impl::K

Number of R3 variables.

Definition at line 79 of file se_k_3.hpp.


template<typename _Derived >

Definition at line 74 of file se_k_3.hpp.

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