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tr_solver.hpp File Reference

Trust region algorithms for determining step size. More...

#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <Eigen/SparseCholesky>
#include "smooth/version.hpp"
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template<typename D2 , typename D3 >
SMOOTH_BEGIN_NAMESPACE auto solve_linear_ldlt (const auto &J, const Eigen::MatrixBase< D2 > &d, const Eigen::MatrixBase< D3 > &r, const double lambda, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< double > > dphi={}) -> Eigen::Vector< typename std::decay_t< decltype(J)>::Scalar, std::decay_t< decltype(J)>::ColsAtCompileTime >
 Solve least-squares problem using LDL' decomposition.
template<typename D2 , typename D3 >
auto solve_trust_region (const auto &J, const Eigen::MatrixBase< D2 > &d, const Eigen::MatrixBase< D3 > &r, const double Delta) -> std::pair< Eigen::Vector< typename std::decay_t< decltype(J)>::Scalar, std::decay_t< decltype(J)>::ColsAtCompileTime >, double >
 Approximately solve trust-region step determination problem.

Detailed Description

Trust region algorithms for determining step size.

Definition in file tr_solver.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ solve_linear_ldlt()

template<typename D2 , typename D3 >
SMOOTH_BEGIN_NAMESPACE auto solve_linear_ldlt ( const auto &  J,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< D2 > &  d,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< D3 > &  r,
const double  lambda,
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< double > >  dphi = {} 
) -> Eigen::Vector<typename std::decay_t<decltype(J)>::Scalar, std::decay_t<decltype(J)>::ColsAtCompileTime>

Solve least-squares problem using LDL' decomposition.

The problem is

[ J ] dx = [ -r ] (1)
[ sqrt(λ) D ] [ 0 ]
[in]Jmatrix of size M x N
[in]dpositive vector of size N representing diagonal of D
[in]rvector of size M
[in]lambdanon-zero number
[out]dphioptionally calculate derivative ϕ'(λ)

ϕ is the norm of the scaled solution as a function of λ:

ϕ(λ) = || D dx || = || D (J' J + λ D'D)^{-1} J' r ||

The system (1) is solved via LDLt factorization of the left-hand side of the normal equations

(J' J + λ D' D) dx = -J' r.

Definition at line 48 of file tr_solver.hpp.

◆ solve_trust_region()

template<typename D2 , typename D3 >
auto solve_trust_region ( const auto &  J,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< D2 > &  d,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< D3 > &  r,
const double  Delta 
) -> std:: pair<Eigen::Vector<typename std::decay_t<decltype(J)>::Scalar, std::decay_t<decltype(J)>::ColsAtCompileTime>, double>

Approximately solve trust-region step determination problem.

The step determination problem is to find the minimizing dx of

min 0.5 || J dx + r ||^2 s.t. || D dx || ≤ Δ (1)
Jmatrix of size M x N
dvector of size N representing diagonal of D
rvector of size M
Deltatrust region size
{dx, λ} where dx is the (approximate) minimizer of (1) and λ is the corresponding Lagrange multiplier for the inequality constraints.
The current implementation sets the Lagrange multiplier to λ = 1 / Δ.


It can be shown that (1) is equivalent to

min 0.5 ( || J dx + r ||^2 + λ || D dx ||^2 ) (2)

for some λ that satisfies the complimentarity condition λ (|| D dx || - Δ) = 0.

in turn, (2) is equivalent to

min || [ J ] dx + [ r ] ||^2 (3)
|| [ sqrt(λ) D ] [ 0 ] ||

which is the least-squares solution to

[ J ] dx = [ -r ] (4)
[ sqrt(λ) D ] [ 0 ]

with normal equations

(J' J + λ D' D) dx = - J' r (5)

Definition at line 132 of file tr_solver.hpp.