Control and estimation on Lie groups
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CLDLTWrapperCopy-able wrapper around Eigen LDLT types
 CMPCCEMPC end constraint function
 CMPCCRMPC running constraints (jacobian obtained via automatic differentiation)
 CMPCDynMPC dynamics (derivatives obtained via autodiff)
 CMPCIntegrandMPC integrand
 CMPCObjMPC cost function
 CUDesWrapper for desired input and its derivative
 CXDesWrapper for desired trajectory and its derivative
 Cis_specialization_of< Z< Args... >, Z >
 Cis_specialization_of_sizet< Z< Args... >, Z >
 CASIFilterASI Filter
 CASIFilterParamsASIFilter filter parameters
 CASIFProblemActive set invariance problem definition
 CASIFtoQPParamsParameters for asif_to_qp
 CEKFExtended Kalman filter on Lie groups
 CIpoptNLPIpopt interface to solve NLPs
 CManifoldBoundsManifold constraint set
 CMeshCollocation mesh of interval [0, 1]
 CMeshValue< 0 >Result of Mesh function
 CMeshValue< 1 >Result and first derivative of Mesh function
 CMeshValue< 2 >Result, first, and second derivatives w.r.t. collocation variables
 CMPCModel-Predictive Control (MPC) on Lie groups
 CMPCParamsParameters for MPC
 CMPCWeightsObjective weights for MPC
 CNLPSolutionSolution to a Nonlinear Programming Problem
 COCPOptimal control problem definition
 COCPSolutionSolution to OCP
 CPIDProportional-Integral-Derivative controller for Lie groups
 CQPSolutionSolver solution
 CQPSolverSolver for quadratic programs
 CQPSolverParamsOptions for solve_qp
 CQuadraticProgramQuadratic program definition
 CQuadraticProgramSparseSparse quadratic program definition
 Ctime_traitTrait class to specify Time operations
 Ctime_trait< rclcpp::Time >Specialization of time_trait for ROS time type
 Ctime_trait< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Ratio > >Specilization of time trait for std::chrono::duration types
 Ctime_trait< std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > >Specilization of time trait for std::chrono::time_point types
 Ctime_trait< T >Specilization of time trait for floating point types