Control and estimation on Lie groups
▼ include | |
▼ smooth | |
▼ feedback | |
▼ collocation | |
dyn_error.hpp | Collocation dynamics constraints |
mesh.hpp | Refinable Legendre-Gauss-Radau mesh of time interval [0, 1] |
mesh_function.hpp | Evaluate transform-like functions and derivatives on collocation points |
▼ compat | |
ipopt.hpp | Solve nonlinear programs with Ipopt |
osqp.hpp | Solve quadratiac programs with OSQP |
ros.hpp | Specialization of traits for ROS types |
▼ utils | |
sparse.hpp | Sparse matrix utilities |
asif.hpp | |
asif_func.hpp | Functions for active Set Invariance (ASI) filtering on Lie groups |
common.hpp | |
ekf.hpp | |
mpc.hpp | |
nlp.hpp | Nonlinear program definition |
ocp.hpp | Optimal control problem definition |
ocp_flatten.hpp | Reformulate an optimal control problem on a Lie group as an optimal control problem in the tangent space around a reference trajectory |
ocp_to_nlp.hpp | Formulate optimal control problem as a nonlinear program |
ocp_to_qp.hpp | Formulate optimal control problem as a quadratic program |
pid.hpp | |
qp.hpp | Quadratic Program definition |
qp_solver.hpp | Quadratic Program solver |
time.hpp | |
traits.hpp |