Control and estimation on Lie groups
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 dyn_error.hppCollocation dynamics constraints
 mesh.hppRefinable Legendre-Gauss-Radau mesh of time interval [0, 1]
 mesh_function.hppEvaluate transform-like functions and derivatives on collocation points
 ipopt.hppSolve nonlinear programs with Ipopt
 osqp.hppSolve quadratiac programs with OSQP
 ros.hppSpecialization of traits for ROS types
 sparse.hppSparse matrix utilities
 asif_func.hppFunctions for active Set Invariance (ASI) filtering on Lie groups
 nlp.hppNonlinear program definition
 ocp.hppOptimal control problem definition
 ocp_flatten.hppReformulate an optimal control problem on a Lie group as an optimal control problem in the tangent space around a reference trajectory
 ocp_to_nlp.hppFormulate optimal control problem as a nonlinear program
 ocp_to_qp.hppFormulate optimal control problem as a quadratic program
 qp.hppQuadratic Program definition
 qp_solver.hppQuadratic Program solver